I will put an excerpt from the kind of story that we will focus on this site. Also, I would like to thank our new Contributer....Diaz Painting. If you ever need someone to paint your house or business, Diaz Painting does a great professional job. Their prices are great, but, most of all their professionalism and neatness. (cont. after ad)

----A patient lies on a hospital stretcher waiting to be rescued by First Aid workers. Due to not being able to pay for his private hospital bills, he is being kept in the hospital with out service. Usually, people are taken into hospitals, not being rescued from there. But, this was a different situation. “Stop! Put the stretcher on the floor” said a hospital guard while he aims his weapon at Ronald and his rescuers. Ronald is in a vegetative state. The rescuers settled the stretcher on the floor leading to the exit of Nuestra Señora de la Paz Hospital in the City of San Miguel, East of the Capital of El Salvador. Mario, one of the rescuers took courage and told the guard, “shoot then, if you want”. Then, Mario took the young comatose man into his arms and carried him to the waiting ambulance outside of the hospital. They headed home to Santiago de Maria. This was August 2001. ----
----Ronald was injured in an automotive accident on the way home on highway 140 of the Pan-American State Road on August 7, 2001. He was seriously injured and taken to the closest private hospital from the accident site. He was taken to Nuestra Señora de la Paz which gave him the maximum urgent care.-----
---While Ronald lies on a therapeutic bed in a vegetative state, she feeds him through a feeding tube attached to his stomach. It takes an emotional toll each time she has to remember the event that paralyzed her son’s life.----
So, these are the stories that we will focus on......This story is very heartbreaking. For those who have started to contribute.....thank you for making these stories to come alive.
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