I know I haven't written anything in a while and basically I was supposed to keep track of this blog. I guess I should do this more often, so, I can get used to it.
So, what is a ACL. I am not going to write it down. You want to know, here is the wiki link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_cruciate_ligament. Also according to http://adam.about.com/encyclopedia/firstaid/Anterior-cruciate-ligament-ACL-injury.htm an ACL tear is also caused by "Alternatively, coming to a quick stop, combined with a direction change while running, pivoting, landing from a jump"
I guess the ACL Tear happens to "great" athletes performing their "best" manuevers in their competitive sport.
So, what is a ACL. I am not going to write it down. You want to know, here is the wiki link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_cruciate_ligament. Also according to http://adam.about.com/encyclopedia/firstaid/Anterior-cruciate-ligament-ACL-injury.htm an ACL tear is also caused by "Alternatively, coming to a quick stop, combined with a direction change while running, pivoting, landing from a jump"
I guess the ACL Tear happens to "great" athletes performing their "best" manuevers in their competitive sport.
Let's get started with Rodrigos -----ACL RECONSTRUCTIVE PROCESS-----
(pretty sure most dad's don't do this, but, now rodrigo is able to share this with his friends)
The first set of images is rodrigo getting ready for surgery....

Rodrigo getting a nice chat from the pre-op nurse of what is going to happen.

"we have to clean/bathe your leg"

water is not that cold
After surgery-------"mom, I didn't die"
"I've gone through 3 hours of surgery...no smile"
STAY TUNED for next time........."photos from THE surgery" ...."stiches coming off"....."first day of therapy"
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